Unconfined compressive strength - autographic method to BS1377 part 7/7.3

This set of equipment has been put together to list what is necessary to carry out the test using the method described in BS1377 part 7 - additional items may be required, please refer to the standard


Part NoDescriptionQty
SL799 Autographic Unconfined Compression Apparatus 1
SL030 Hand Held U38 Extruder 1
SL557 38mm 2 Part Split Mould for cohesive soils and undisturbed samples 1
SL040/1 Wire Saw 1
CN011 Tamping Rod to BS1881 & EN12350-2 1
MH550 300mm Straight Edge Trimming Blade 1
CH120 Silicone Release Agent, heavy duty 1
SL011 38mm Sample Tube 1
SL012 End Caps for SL011 sample tubes 1
SL013 Jarring Link/Sliding Hammer 1
SL010 Auger Chisel 1
SL014 38mm Sample Tube Adaptor 1
SL008 Auger Handle and T-Piece 1
SL009 Auger Extension Rod 1000mm 1
SL019 Adjustable Wrench,70mm capacity 2

Also required but not part of basic set

BS1377-2/3.2 Moisture content determination, oven method