Building lime, test methods to EN459-2

This set of equipment has been put together to list what is necessary to carry out the test using the method described in EN459 part 2 - additional items may be required, please refer to the standard


Part NoDescriptionQty
CE140 Plunger Penetration Apparatus 1
CE055 Mortar Air Meter Type B - 1 litre 1
CE080 Bulk Density of Lime Apparatus 1
CE180 Yield of Lime Slaking Vessel 1
CE220 Lime Reactivity Test Apparatus to EN459-2 1
CE300 Le Chatelier Mould 3
CE301 50 x 50 Glass Plate 6
CE302 100g Weight - Le Chatelier 3
CE304 18mm Tamping Rod 1
CE305 Extensibility of Mould Apparatus 1
CE310 Le Chatelier Water Bath 1