Particle shape index to EN933-4

This set of equipment has been put together to list what is necessary to carry out the test using the method described in EN933 part 4 - additional items may be required, please refer to the standard


Part NoDescriptionQty
AG096 Digital Shape Index Gauge to EN933-4 1
SV736 4.00mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV740 5.60mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV744 8.0mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV748 11.2mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV752 16.0mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV756 22.4mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV760 31.5mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV764 45.0mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV768 63.0mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV473 300mm sieve lid 1
SV474 300mm Receiver 1
OV070 Oven D/Door 225 C/W Dig.Cont & Readout 1
OV070 Oven D/Door 225 C/W Dig.Cont & Readout 1
BA112 Portable Electronic Balance 16kg capacity 1
MH585 Tray 300 X 300 X 50mm 1
MH586 Tray 400 x 400 x 75mm deep 1
MH589 Tray 400 x 200 x 70mm deep 1
SV005 Sieve Shaker, Electromagnetic to EN 932-5, ISO 3310-1 1
BA315 Balance H.Duty 300kg x 20g 1