Water content - drying in a ventilated oven to EN1097-5

This set of equipment has been put together to list what is necessary to carry out the test using the method described in EN1097 part 5 - additional items may be required, please refer to the standard


Part NoDescriptionQty
MH001 Polythene Bag 510mm x 770mm, 120 micron 1
MH005 Polythene Bag 300mm x 455mm 1
MH572 Lever Lid Tin - 2.5L 1
MH573 Lever Lid Tin - 5L 1
MH574 Lever Lid Tin - 10L 1
MH577 Moisture Content Tin 1
MH540 Spatula/Palette Knife 100mm 1
OV070 Oven D/Door 225 C/W Dig.Cont & Readout 1
MH596 Tray 320 x 220 x 50mm deep 8
GP095 200mm Non-Vacuum Desiccator, glass with perforated zinc disc 1
CH110 500g Silica gel indicating Coarse 1
MH585 Tray 300 X 300 X 50mm 1
MH586 Tray 400 x 400 x 75mm deep 1
MH589 Tray 400 x 200 x 70mm deep 1

Also required but not part of basic set

A scale or balance accurate to 0.2% of the mass
of the test portion