Loose bulk density & voids to EN1097-3

This set of equipment has been put together to list what is necessary to carry out the test using the method described in EN1097 part 3 - additional items may be required, please refer to the standard


Part NoDescriptionQty
AG125 1 litre Density Container EN to EN1097-3 1
AG126 5 litre Density Container EN to EN1097-3 1
AG127 10 litre Density Container EN to EN1097-3 1
AG128 20 litre Density Container EN to EN1097-3 1
BA114 Portable Electronic Balance 32kg capacity 1
MH525 Scoop 2.5kg 1
MH526 Scoop 4.5kg 1
MH550 300mm Straight Edge Trimming Blade 1
TH113 Glass thermometer range -20 to +110 degrees C x 1 1
OV070 Oven D/Door 225 C/W Dig.Cont & Readout 1
SL201 Glass Limit Plate 1