Particle density of filler to BS812 part 2/5.7

This set of equipment has been put together to list what is necessary to carry out the test using the method described in BS812 part 2 - additional items may be required, please refer to the standard


Part NoDescriptionQty
GP040 Density Bottle 50ml capacity, with capillary stopper 1
GP042 Density Bottle 100ml capacity, with capillary stopper 1
GP177 100mm Glass Funnel 1
GP102 250mm Vacuum Desiccator, glass with perforated zinc disc 1
SL640 Vacuum Pump - 140L/min 1
MH622 Heavy Wall Rubber Tubing H6.5 1
MH710 48 Litre Water Bath -20 to 95 deg C with analogue heater/stirrer 1

Also required but not part of basic set

BS812-2/5.7AR Particle density of filler - also required to BS812 part 2/5.7