Sulphate content, ion exchange method - also required to BS812 part 118/5.5.2

This additional set of items may be required to carry out the test using the method described in BS812 part 118


Part NoDescriptionQty
CH060 Resin Amberlite for Ion Exchange Apparatus SL050 1
CH035 Water Distilled - to BS1377-1 & BS3696 1
CH145 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets CP 1
CH050 Hydrochloric Acid (N) 1
CH125 Silver Nitrate 1
CH080 Nitric Acid (N) 1

*Chemicals - suggest local supply for export customers because of shipping restrictions

*Sodium Hydroxide
*Hydrochloric Acid
*Silver Nitrate
*Nitric Acid N Strength