Ten percent fines value (TFV) - also required to BS812 part 111

This additional set of items may be required to carry out the test using the method described in BS812 part 111


Part NoDescriptionQty
BA110 Balance Portable 6000 x 1G 1
SV751 14.0mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV747 10.0mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV548 2.36mm x 200mm woven wire stainless steel mesh sieve to ISO 3310 1
OV070 Oven D/Door 225 C/W Dig.Cont & Readout 1
CT340 Automatic Console 2000kN Cube and Cylinder Compression Machine 1