Particle size distribution sieve tests to BS812 part 103.1

This set of equipment has been put together to list what is necessary to carry out the test using the method described in BS812 part 103 - additional items may be required, please refer to the standard


Part NoDescriptionQty
SV770 75.0mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV768 63.0mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV765 50.0mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV762 37.5mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV759 28.0mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV755 20.0mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV751 14.0mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV747 10.0mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV741 6.30mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV739 5.00mm x 300mm perforated mild steel plate sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV473 300mm sieve lid 1
SV474 300mm Receiver 1
SV552 3.35mm x 200mm woven wire stainless steel mesh sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV548 2.36mm x 200mm woven wire stainless steel mesh sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV544 1.70mm x 200mm woven wire stainless steel mesh sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV540 1.18mm x 200mm woven wire stainless steel mesh sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV536 850 micron x 200mm woven wire stainless steel mesh sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV532 600 micron x 200mm woven wire stainless steel mesh sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV528 425 micron x 200mm woven wire stainless steel mesh sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV524 300 micron x 200mm woven wire stainless steel mesh sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV520 212 micron x 200mm woven wire stainless steel mesh sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV516 150 micron x 200mm woven wire stainless steel mesh sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV508 75 micron x 200mm woven wire stainless steel mesh sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV506 63 micron x 200mm woven wire stainless steel mesh sieve to ISO 3310 1
SV470 200mm sieve lid 1
SV471 200mm Receiver 1

Also required but not part of basic set

BS812-103.1AR Particle size distribution sieve tests - also required

Optional items that are not part of basic set

BS812OP Sieve Shaker - Optional