Air content of fresh concrete, method B to BS1881 part 106B
This set of equipment has been put together to list what is necessary to carry out the test using the method described in BS1881 part 106 - additional items may be required, please refer to the standard
Part No | Description | Qty |
CN030 |
Air Entrainment Meter Type B - 8 litre capacity |
1 |
MH520 |
Painted Scoop to BS1881 |
1 |
CN127 |
25mm Face Tamping Bar, steel to EN12390-2 and BS1881-108 |
1 |
MH250 |
Rubber Mallet, 16oz |
1 |
GP060 |
500ml Wash Bottle |
1 |
BA114 |
Portable Electronic Balance 32kg capacity |
1 |
BA150 |
Portable Balance 6000g capacity |
1 |