Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity to ASTM D2041

This set of equipment has been put together to list what is necessary to carry out the test using the method described in ASTMD2041 - additional items may be required, please refer to the standard


Part NoDescriptionQty
BM705 Vacuum Pyknometer - 6000g 1
BM708 Rice Test Vibrating Table to EN12697/5 1
CL054 Oil Filled Vacuum Gauge (Binder Recovery) 1
SL640 Vacuum Pump - 140L/min 1
MH622 Heavy Wall Rubber Tubing H6.5 1
BM715 3 litre Filter Flask 1
MH710 48 Litre Water Bath -20 to 95 deg C with analogue heater/stirrer 1
MH460 Heat Resistant Gloves 1
MH465 PVC Gauntlets 350mm long 1
BA165 High Resolution Laboratory Balance 6200g capacity 1
BA072 Analytical Balance 620g capacity 1
TH050 Digital Thermometer -50 to +1370°C x 1°C 1
TH067 Heavy Duty Needle Probe, 6.35mm x 300mm 1